Sorghum Burfi Recipe

  Sorghum Burfi 

Sorghum burfi is a traditional Indian sweet that is made with sorghum flour, also known as jowar flour. It is a popular dessert during festivals and special occasions in many parts of India. To make sorghum burfi, the sorghum flour is roasted with ghee or clarified butter until it turns golden brown, giving it a nutty flavor. Then a sugar syrup is made by boiling sugar and water together to make a thick syrup, to which the roasted sorghum flour and other ingredients such as cardamom powder, chopped nuts, and raisins are added. The mixture is then poured into a greased plate and allowed to cool and set. Once set, it is cut into small squares or diamond shapes and served. Sorghum burfi is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional sweets, as sorghum flour is gluten-free and has many health benefits such as being rich in fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

Sorghum Burfi Recipe

The step-by-step preparation method for Sorghum Burfi using the given ingredients:

😄Ingredients of Sorghum Burfi: 

1.👉Sorghum Flour 100g 
2.👉Besan -100g 
4.👉Dry Fruits-50g 
5.👉Elaichi Powder-10g 
6.👉Sugar Powder-50g 

😄Instructions: (Sorghum Burfi )

1.👍Begin by dry roasting the sorghum flour and besan together in a non-stick pan on low heat until it turns aromatic and light brown. Set aside. 

2.👍In the same pan, heat ghee over low heat. Once melted, add in the roasted sorghum flour and besan mixture. 

3.👍Stir continuously on low heat for 10-12 minutes until the mixture turns golden brown in color and the ghee starts separating from the mixture. 

4.👍Add the sugar powder, elaichi powder, and dry fruits to the mixture and mix well. Turn off the heat. 

5.👍Add the milk to the mixture and mix well until it forms a smooth and thick consistency. 

6.👍Transfer the mixture to a greased plate or container and spread it evenly using a spatula. 

7.👍Let the mixture cool for 10-15 minutes and then cut it into small squares or diamond shapes using a knife. 

8.👍Allow the burfi to cool completely and then serve. You can store the remaining burfi in an airtight container for up to a week. 

🙏🙏🙏That's it! Your delicious Sorghum Burfi is ready to be enjoyed.

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