Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Millet Producing Country around the World

 Millet is a type of cereal grain that is widely grown and consumed in many countries around the world.It is rich in  nutrients and has been linked to several health benefits.Some of the top millet-producing countries include:

  1. India: India is the largest producer of millet in the world,  with over 8 million

Tons produced annually.

  1. Nigeria : Nigeria is the second largest producer of millet millet , with over 4 

Million tons produced annually .

  1. Niger : Niger the third one  largest millet producer , with over 2 million tons annually

  2. China: china is a significant producer of millet , with over 1 million tons annually

  3. Mali : Mali produces 1 million tons annually . 

  4. Burkina Faso

  5. Sudan

  6. Ethiopia

  7. Uganda

  8. Tanzania

The main products made from millet include flour, porridge, bread, and alcoholic beverages such as beer and spirits. Millet is also used as animal feed and as a source of bio-fuel. In some countries, such as India, millet is an important dietary staple and is used to make a variety of traditional dishes, such as Roti and Dosa.

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