2023 as the International Year of Millet, Millet year 2023

 International Year of Millet-2023

😀The United Nations has declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of millets in promoting food security, improving nutrition, and contributing to sustainable agriculture. 

😀 Millets are a group of small-seeded grasses that are grown around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia. They are highly nutritious, gluten-free, and have a low glycemic index, making them an ideal food for people with diabetes, celiac disease, and other health conditions. Millets are also hardy crops that can grow in poor soil and withstand drought, making them a crucial crop in areas with limited water and resources. 

 😀The International Year of Millets will focus on increasing awareness of the nutritional and environmental benefits of millets, promoting their cultivation and consumption, and supporting research and development in millet farming and processing.

 😀One of the key objectives of the International Year of Millets is to promote millet-based diets as a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional staple foods. The UN estimates that up to 3 billion people rely on rice, wheat, and maize as their primary source of calories, which puts them at risk of malnutrition and other health problems. By promoting millets as a healthy and sustainable alternative, the International Year of Millets aims to improve food security and reduce malnutrition.
International Year of Millet-2023
 😀Another important objective of the International Year of Millets is to support farmers and producers in developing countries who grow and sell millets. By increasing demand for millets and promoting fair trade practices, the International Year of Millets aims to help these farmers and producers to earn a fair income and improve their livelihoods. 

 😀The International Year of Millets will also focus on research and development in millet farming and processing. This includes developing new varieties of millets that are more resistant to pests and diseases, improving farming techniques to increase yields and reduce waste, and developing new processing methods to create value-added products such as millet flour and flakes. 

😀 To achieve these objectives, the International Year of Millets will involve a range of activities, including conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and awareness-raising campaigns. Governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders will be encouraged to develop and implement policies and programs that promote millets, and consumers will be encouraged to incorporate millets into their diets. 
                                                                                                            International Year of Millet-2023
 😀The International Year of Millets has the potential to make a significant contribution to global efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and improve nutrition. By raising awareness of the benefits of millets, promoting their cultivation and consumption, and supporting research and development in millet farming and processing, the International Year of Millets can help to create a more sustainable and equitable food system that benefits both people and the planet.

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