Saturday, March 25, 2023

Dog food, is ideal for health?

Now a day one trending question is roaming in our social media , is that... is dog food ideal for a man?

Cording to my knowledge and go through the searching of different source,The Answer is  No, Dog food is not ideal for human consumption. Dog food is specifically formulated for the nutritional needs of dogs and may not contain the necessary nutrients that humans require. Additionally, some dog foods may contain ingredients that are not safe for human consumption or may be harmful in large quantities. It is important for humans to consume a balanced diet that is specifically formulated for their nutritional needs. Human beings are incapable of producing certain vitamins -like vitamin C- on their own but dogs are. The percentage of animal fat in dog food is higher and we don’t need so much. The nutritional requirements of humans and dogs are also extremely different. We need a balanced diet. For more information follow the The Times of India (Kolkata) 25/03/2023 Saturday

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